Saturday, April 16, 2011

Blogs, Blogs Everywhere!

Okay so two of my first grade collegues  introduced me to blogs and now, I am afraid, we are all addicted. 

For me personally, I have been spending way too much time on the computer reading, downloading, and purchasing ideas and activities.  It is bad - my children actually ate hamburger helper the other night.  Don't worry, once you get to know me you will realize that is NOT me.  Eww just the thought of that meal...

Don't get me wrong, I am always looking for quick and easy meals.  I am a mother of two who are involved in t-ball and little league (two different teams, two different practice nights and games at fields that are across town from eachother...the moms out there will understand the chaos in that alone) we volunteer with teenagers 3x each week and we host a bible study in our home one night a week.  For those of you who haven't pulled your head out of that scheduling mess that leaves ZERO free nights.  We are slowly backing off and trying to get some time to ourselves but it is difficult when you love all the things you are committed to.

Then there is teaching.  I love my job.  My little firsties are amazing - but I made a semi-commitment to my family - anything I don't finish at school is left there.  I say "semi-commitment" because there are a few exceptions. Aside from the obvious (illness, emergency, whoope I totally forgot interims go out tomorrow...) I usually bring home purchase orders and anything that has to do with crayons, sharpies, slick sticks or stickys.

Did I mention I am addicted to stickys?


  1. I love your blog!!! I can't wait to dig deeper and read more!! It sure sounds like you have a full life with lots to do!!

  2. The boys look so serious and determined on their bike ride!!!! Glad you found your stickys.........
